API Pack


API Pack is a 4D plugin with more than 80 commands that gives you access to features that are only available through the 4D Plugin API.

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API Pack is a 4D plugin with more than 80 commands that gives you access to features that are only available through the 4D Plugin API. Here you will find commands for:

  • Retrieving information about 4D’s runtime environment.
  • Opening the method, formula or the picture editor.
  • Getting method ID’s, executing methods by ID, tokenizing expressions and executing tokenized expressions.
  • Commands that give you “under the hood access” to 4D’s internal resources like methods, forms, style sheets etc.
  • Sending and receiving documents to and from 4D Server.
  • Blobbing and un-blobbing records.
  • An extensive command set that gives you access to 4D’s virtual structure.
  • Perform fast search and replace operations on blobs.
  • Blob handles to make passing blob data between functions more efficient.
  • Many array manipulation functions that can be used on local arrays.
  • Allow multiple independent timers on a form.

Especially the commands that give you access to 4D’s internal resources give you the tools that can really help you enhance your own development environment. With them you can:

  • Create your own method explorer that groups methods by their prefixes.
  • Retrieve information from your structure file like names of project methods, comments, form names, lists, tool tips, style sheets, formats and filters.
  • Get access to the modification date and time of each resource, so you can get an idea what was modified and use it as a simple version control system.
  • Procedurally create resources for which no 4D commands exists (like tooltips, style sheets etc.).
  • Get or set the contents of a project method.
  • Extract comments from a project method.

This plugin gives you the tools. To actually do it, you have to write some code in 4D yourself. In the demo application you’ll find some examples of the many things you can do. API Pack is available for Mac and Windows. It works with 4D version 17, 18 and 19. API Pack supports 64-bit mode on Mac OS X and Windows. It also supports the new Apple Silicon (ARM) platform. For older 4D versions API Pack 2.x should be used.

Support API Pack

API Pack is available for free, but …

We’ve spend a considerable amount of time in creating API Pack, the documentation, the samples and helping people wherever possible. Still we like to provide API Pack free of charge to the 4D Community.

If you want to show your appreciation for all this work, you can make a donation by going to the online order page. Your contribution will help to make sure we continue adding great new features to API Pack.


Version 3.2 is now available!

API Pack is available for the Mac and Windows platform. Click on the links below to download the latest version.
API Pack version 3.2 for Mac & Windows

Support API Pack by making a donation.

Previous versions

Version 2.3.3 can be downloaded here:

API Pack version 2.3.3 for Mac
API Pack version 2.3.3 for Windows